1.Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement.
2.If one of those services changes, or if the preference for a specific service of a particular type changes, you'll have lots of work to do.
3.Similar effect can be achieved with the help of a particular type of digital graphics, known as animated . gif images.
4.Process licensor guidelines and experience in previous similar applications for a particular type of measurement shall be considered.
5.This representation is general enough that the programmer is not constrained to any particular type of problem.
6.An often self-contained section on an exchange floor for the trading of a particular type of financial instrument or commodity.
7.The set of all members of a particular type of object is known as a collection.
8.You can refer to a particular type in a particular assembly with a particular version or with a particular strong key.
9.In distributed systems, there can be many servers of a particular type, e. g. , multiple file servers or multiple network name servers.
10.This brings us an important step nearer to being able to prevent the birth of children with a particular type of inherited disease.